Vitamin C and facts that you didn't know before

Most of people don't know clearly about Vitamin C and this writing will help those persons.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho vitamin c
  • Vitamin C is sometimes used to treat colds, and in very large amounts can sometimes be used as an additional medicine to treat some cancers.
  • Most plants and animals can actually make their own vitamin C. Humans, monkeys, and guinea pigs are among the very few that have to eat foods with vitamin C, as they can't make their own.
  • Since guinea pigs can't make their own vitamin C, like humans, they were one of the first really useful animals for testing purposes. Testing with guinea pigs actually helped discover what vitamin C was, and also helped prove how it could cure scurvy, which at that time was a very serious disease.
  • Vitamin C is the single most searched nutrient (vitamin, mineral or herb) on the Internet.
  • The next fact we have on vitamin C is that because it is a water-soluble vitamin, your body will get rid of any excess within a 24-hour period of consumption.
  • The fact that your body cannot store vitamin C means that you need your vitamin C from your meals and drinks every day. 
  • One more facts on vitamin C is that humans vary greatly in their vitamin C requirement.
  • It's possible for one person to need 10 times as much vitamin C as another person.
  • The main reasons for this wide variation can be attributed to a person's age and health status.
  • Our next vitamin C fact relates to how it interacts with other nutrients.
  • Like many vitamins and minerals, vitamin C is most effective when combined with other nutrients because it has significant interactions with several key minerals in the body.
  • Vitamin C can for example significantly improve your ability to digest and absorb the essential mineral iron.
Kết quả hình ảnh cho vitamin c
  • It is also involved in the regeneration of vitamin E and these two vitamins appear to work together in their antioxidant effect.
  • Vitamin C detoxifies pollutants in your blood
  • Vitamin C's most important benefit is probably its role as a powerful water-soluble antioxidant in the human body.
  • In this role it protects the health and integrity of our cells by preventing oxygen-based damage and by detoxifying pollutants in the blood.
  • Another benefit of vitamin C is that it protects us against cardiovascular diseases by facilitating fat metabolism.
  • It provides protection against certain cancers, joint diseases and cataracts, which are all associated with vitamin C deficiency.
  • The body's immune and detoxification systems make special use of vitamin C ability to combat free radicals.
  • In this role it helps neutralize the effects of nitrites which are dangerous preservatives found in some processed foods.
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